ヤンググリーンズジャパンは、世界中にヤンググリーンズと交流を深めるため、このたび8月27日(土)にベルギーのグリーンズ「Jong Groen(@jonggroen )」とインスタライブを開催することになりました❗️
1. Jong GroenとYoung Greens Japanの活動について紹介
2. どのようにグリーンズは活動を広げているか、また今後の課題
3. 若者の意欲を高めるために
4. Q&Aセッション
ヤンググリーンズジャパン(Young Green Japan)は、緑の党グリーンズジャパンの連携組織で、主に若年層を中心とし、社会運動や政治活動を通して環境問題を中心とした世界の諸問題に対してアプローチしていくことを目指しています。
English Version
Young Greens Japan🗾 is pleased to announce that we will be hosting an Instagram live with Belgium Dutch Greens “Jong Groen” on Saturday, August 27th in order to deepen our exchange with Young Greens around the world❗️.
The program will be as follows;
1. Introduction of Jong Groen and Young Greens Japan activities
2. How Greens are expanding their activities and future challenges
3. How to motivate youth engagement in politics
4. Q&A session
If you are interested in how young people around the world are working, what youth-led politics is like, and how the Greens have expanded their activities, please join us❗️
🍃What is Young Greens Japan?
Young Greens Japan is an organization affiliated with the Green Party Greens Japan, which aims to approach environmental and other global issues through social movements and political activities, mainly among young people.
And now, Young Greens Japan will be officially launched in August 2022! The Green Party as well as its allied organizations, Young Greens, are located all over the world, and each organization is working in exchange and solidarity with the others.